The Coming Wealth Transfer

13.200 CFA

In this book, the author shared a few principles that can prepare us for
the coming wealth transfer:
• 8 circles of wealth creation
• 30 reasons why you should establish your own company
• 25 strategies for wealth creation
• 100 powerful insights on real estate
• 13 ways to invest
• The stewardship of giving and more

La description


A- Believing the prophecies

  • Introduction
  • What kind of wealth will be transferred ?

B- Applying the principles

  • The purpose of the wealth transfer
  • Developing the mindset for wealth creation

C- Eight circles of wealth creation

  • Knowledge
  • Commitment
  • Investment
  • Portfolio Management
  • Wealth
  • Reinvestment
  • Knowledge
  • Commitment
  • Investment
  • Portfolio management
  • Wealth
  • Reinvestement
  • Multi-generational wealth
  • Giving

D- Etablishing your financial future

  • Values, vision and volume




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