Turn Your Rejection To Direction

7.075 CFA

Someone had said that 99% of the population of the earth will go through the experience of rejection at some time in their life.

Rejection is a major stumbling block in your journey to success. It is an evil thing that looms largely over almost all of us. We have to find it, face it and finish it.

Rejection is like a disease that can spread. Whilst it is given permission, it can take over the whole of your life, put you in bondage and hold you down. However, it can also be used to propel you to the highest height you could ever reach.

This book will take you through 21 manifestations of rejection, the reasons why people accept it, the devastating effect it has on your life and more importantly how to make rejection a thing of the past and walk in the fullness of God’s election and calling for your life.


Table of Contents


Chapter 1: 21 Manifestations of rejection

Chapter 2: Entering into a world of shattered love – Why people suffer and accept rejection

Chapter 3: The devastating effect of rejection

Chapter 4: Making rejection a thing of the past

Chapter 5: The final makeover





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