Provoking God’s Visitation

6.155 CFA

God wants to visit you and when God comes to visit, He is coming with the intention to come and dwell with, sojourn and reside with you for a period of time. Our discourse in this book is about when God visits: a divine visitation.

Divine visitation is that dimension of God that takes challenges far away from you. It breaks you free from the power of stress, looses you from the control of tension and makes you grow in the blessings of God.

God visits you because whatever affects you, affects Him. The Bible calls us, “His people and the sheep of His pasture.” Your health is of concern to Him. Your marriage is of concern to Him. Your financial welfare is of concern to God. Your vision in life, and how it pans out, is of concern to Him and because of His love for you, He does not want you to go in the wrong direction.

God has a purpose and plan for your life that will provoke His visitation. By prayerfully reading this book you will discover why God wants to visit you; what you can do to provoke His visitation and the blessings that you will experience when God visits you.




Chapter 1: Establishing a reason for his visitation

Chapter 2: The boosters of God’s visitation

Chapter 3: The steps that provoke divine visitation

Chapter 4: The blessings of provoking God’s visitation




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