35 Marks of Irrepressible Leadership

11.450 CFA

Our world is at a crossroads. It is confronted with issues, problems and threats that were before unknown. This scenery calls for a kind of leader who is irrepressible. Yes, irrepressible!

This kind of leader cannot be restrained. This kind of leader believes in change and makes it happen. They have the guts to step forward, to take risks and lead organisations and nations into the place of much needed change. During downturns, they are the ones who make economies rebound.

35 powerful principles have been put together to present the irrepressible leader; the one who brings meaning to life and helps people to become performers.

This book will help you to further develop your leadership style to achieve the success hitherto dreamt about. It will help you to foster trust and develop the capacity to lead in your chosen field with uncommon ability.


Table of contents


  1. Risk taker
  2. Helps discover and deploy other talents
  3. Get people and organisations to change
  4. See the broad picture not the narrow in matters
  5. Lead more from the heart nd soul, not the head
  6. Passionate motivators
  7. Adopt a personal and active toward their goals
  8. Take chances, not just solving, problems
  9. Characterized by their being inspiring leaders
  10. Draw strength from their natural traits and attributes
  11. Influencers
  12. Operate with insight, foresight and far sight
  13. Effective managers
  14. Good followers who became leaders
  15. Are results orientated
  16. Provoke a following
  17. Use charisma to provoke growth
  18. Innovative
  19. Inspire trust
  20. Do not ask  « What if », but « Why not »
  21. Providers of vision and influence
  22. Independent in their thinking
  23. Courageous and fearless
  24. Problem solvers
  25. Have high emotional intelligence
  26. Ambitious and achievement oriented
  27. Authentic
  28. Concerned with effectiveness
  29. Born negotiators, marketers and persuaders
  30. Exercise diplomacy and tact
  31. Set direction for the organisation and give the enthusiasm for achieving it
  32. Diplomatic warriors
  33. Enforcers of change
  34. Servant leaders
  35. Futuristic in their pursuit

Conclusion-Have a succession plan



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