Table of contents
- Risk taker
- Helps discover and deploy other talents
- Get people and organisations to change
- See the broad picture not the narrow in matters
- Lead more from the heart nd soul, not the head
- Passionate motivators
- Adopt a personal and active toward their goals
- Take chances, not just solving, problems
- Characterized by their being inspiring leaders
- Draw strength from their natural traits and attributes
- Influencers
- Operate with insight, foresight and far sight
- Effective managers
- Good followers who became leaders
- Are results orientated
- Provoke a following
- Use charisma to provoke growth
- Innovative
- Inspire trust
- Do not ask « What if », but « Why not »
- Providers of vision and influence
- Independent in their thinking
- Courageous and fearless
- Problem solvers
- Have high emotional intelligence
- Ambitious and achievement oriented
- Authentic
- Concerned with effectiveness
- Born negotiators, marketers and persuaders
- Exercise diplomacy and tact
- Set direction for the organisation and give the enthusiasm for achieving it
- Diplomatic warriors
- Enforcers of change
- Servant leaders
- Futuristic in their pursuit
Conclusion-Have a succession plan
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